DVPP pairs a Victim Services counselor with an officer of the NYPD or the Housing
Police. The team attempts to prevent family violence before it erupts by reaching
out to all families reporting domestic disturbances to the police, reinforcing the
message that domestic violence is against the law and that help is available to victims
and batterers. Any person abused by a family member, who has filed a complaint with
a police precinct, will be contacted by the counselor or officer in the community
policing unit. The complainant will receive references for getting an order of protection
(the borough court), counseling and other services. The counselor and the community
policing unit officer will, when appropriate, do home visits as well. Counselors
conduct roll call training 2-3 times a month.
Payments accepted: FREE. Languages (other than English): Spanish (others may also
be available).
737 Melrose Avenue, Bronx, NY 10451
Contact: Sandra Powers, Counselor; Michelle Maron, Police Officer.
Eligibility criteria: Resident of the South Bronx.
2 East 169th Street, Bronx, NY 10452
Contact: Esther Nieves, Counselor.
3016 Webster Avenue, Bronx, NY 10467
Contact: Sandra Powers, Mercy Bonilla.
Languages (other than English): Spanish, French.